
Acquila and Priscilla came from the Roman province of Pontus, and moved to Rome. The emporer Claudius ordered all Jews to leave Rome. Acquila and Priscilla left Rome with the other Jews.

Acquila and Priscilla made tents for a living. They took Paul into their household and into their fellowship. The Greek word translated ‘invited him to their home’ in the NIV either means ‘take aside’ or ‘receive hospitably’.

Acquila and Priscilla hosted a church in their house in Ephesus, and later they hosted a church in their house in Rome. The apostle Paul refers to Acquila and Priscilla in several of his letters. They were faithful over many years.

Aquila and Priscilla used their home to minister to travelers such as Apollos and Paul. They not only ministered to physical needs, but to spiritual needs as well. Their ministry was a joint effort

Scripture References

  • Acquila and Priscilla: Acts 18.1-3, Acts 18.18-19, Acts 18.26

  • Peter rebukes Jesus: Mt 16.22, Mk 8.32

  • Pauls earns his living: 1 Cor 4.12, 1 Th 2.9

  • Welcoming brothers: Rom 14.1, 15.7, Acts 28.2, Phm 17

  • God welcomes us: Rom 14.3, 15.7

  • Corinthian church met in their house: 1 Cor 16.19

  • Fellow workers, Rom 16.3-5, 2 Ti 4.19

  • Welcome strangers: Mt 25.35, 43

  • Hospitable elders: 1 Tim 3.2, Titus 1.7

  • Hospitable widows: 1 Tim 5.10

  • Hospitality to strangers: Heb 13.2

  • Show hospitality: 1 Pet 4.9

Discussion Questions

  1. What developments in our culture have made Biblical hospitality less of a necessity?

  2. What was the impact on Acquila and Priscilla of being forced to leave Rome?

  3. What was the impact on Acquila and Priscilla of travelling with Paul to Ephesus and then having Paul leave there?

  4. Why was it so important for Acquila and Priscilla to make their home available to the churches they were a part of?

  5. Why was it important for elders to show hospitality?

  6. In what ways can you relate to Acquila and Priscilla as people and as followers of Jesus?

  7. Have you ever known someone who had one or more of the positive characteristics of Acquila and Priscilla?

  8. What effect did they have on the people they interacted with, particularly with the fellowship they participated in?

  9. What appeals to you about the story of Aquila and Priscilla?

  10. In what ways is hosting foster children in your home like having a Biblical hospitality ministry?