
Apollos was prepared. Apollos was earnest and sincere. Apollos was teachable.

Apollos’ ministry in Ephesus was very effective. His later ministry in Greece was also very effective.

Apollos is a good example for us to emulate. We should be prepared, earnest, and teachable.

Scripture References

  • Apollos: Acts 18.24-28

  • Confronting the Jews: Acts 9.22, 17.3, 18.5

  • Be fervent: Rom 12.11

  • Explaining Messiah from Old Testament: Lk 24.27

  • Apollos’ impact in Corinth: 1 Cor 1.12, 3.4-8, 4.6, 16.12

  • Rightly handling the word of truth: 2 Ti 2.15

  • Be prepared: Mt 25.1-13, Mk 13.32-37, Lk 12.35-48

  • Whole hearted devotion: Num 32.11-13, Jos 14.8, 1 Ki 8.23

  • Teachable attitude: Jas 3.17

Discussion Questions

  1. What can prevent us from being prepared for future ministry opportunities?

  2. How can we overcome these obstacles?

  3. What can cause us to be less than completely committed in our faith?

  4. How can we do to remove these barriers to wholehearted devotion?

  5. What can stand in the way of having a teachable attitude?

  6. What is the difference between being teachable and being gullible?

  7. What can we do to develop a more teachable attitude?

  8. In what ways can you relate to Apollos as a person and as a follower of Jesus?

  9. Have you ever known someone who had one or more of the positive characteristics of Apollos?

  10. What effect did they have on the people they interacted with, particularly with the fellowship they participated in?

  11. What do you find appealing in the story of Apollos?