Barnabas was the nickname of Joseph. Names are important in the Bible.
When someone is called a “son of X” in the Bible, it describes the essential character of the person.
Barnabas made Paul’s ministry possible. He also made Mark’s ministry possible.
Barnabas was Paul’s partner in ministry for several years.
Barnabas gave generously and enabled others to give. He saw what people could be, not just what they were. Barnabas understood how the church would grow, and did his part.
The word that characterizes Barnabas occurs frequently in the New Testament. It is translated ‘exhort’, ‘encourage’, ‘comfort, ‘appeal’, or ‘warn’, depending on what makes the most sense in the passage.
Scripture References
- Barnabas: Acts 4.36-37, Acts 9.26-27. Acts 11.22-26, 27-30, Acts 12.25-13.3, Acts 14.1-3, Acts 15.36-39
- The OT refers to “sons of Belial.” The NIV translates this as “wicked men” or “troublemakers” — Dt 13.13, Jud 19.22, 20.13, I Sam 2.12, 10.27, 25.17, II Sam 20.1, 23.6, 2 Chr 13.7.
- Levites – Lk 10.31-32, Jn 1.19
- Cyprus – Acts 11.19-20, 13.4, 15.39, 21.3,16, 27.4
- No inheritance of land for Levites – Num 18.20, Dt 10.9
- Buying a field – Jer 32.6-15
- Sons of thunder – Mk 3.17, Luke 9.54
- Son of destruction – Jn 17.12
Discussion Questions
- Which other people in the Bible had multiple names? Which names were significant and why?
- What is the significance of Barnabas introducing Saul to the apostles?
- Which other people are referred to as “full of the Holy Spirit?” What seems to be their common characteristics?
- What does Barnabas’ trip to Tarsus say about Barnabas and Saul?
- What does Barnabas’ and Saul’s trip to Jerusalem say about their character?
- In what ways can you relate to Barnabas as a person and as a follower of Jesus?
- Have you ever known someone who had one or more of the positive characteristics that Barnabas demonstrated?
- What effect did they have on the people they interacted with, particularly with the fellowship they participated in?
- What appeals to you about the story of Barnabas?