
People brought a man who was blind and mute, due to demons, to Jesus. Jesus healed him. The Pharisees said that Jesus delivered people from demons by the power of the prince of demons.

Scripture References

  • Episode: Mt 12.22-28, Mk 3.22-27

  • Leaders don’t know Bible: Mk 12.24

  • Exclusion from ministry: Lev 21.17-21, 2 Sam 5.8

  • Signs of Messiah: Matthew 11.5, 15.30-31, Is 35.1-7, 61.1-3

Discussion Questions

  1. Why do people who want to be healed refer to Jesus as “the son of David,” and people who are watching ask whether Jesus is “the son of David?”

  2. Some Jews who believe that a Messiah will come in the future distinguish between two Messiahs, or two roles: 1) a suffering Messiah son of Joseph, and 2) a conquering Messiah Son of David. How does this concept compare to the first and second comings of Christ? Does it help explain how they missed the first coming?

  3. Did Jesus cast out demons by his own power? What power can we use to cast them out?