Why Are These People Important?

Many people know the stories of the apostles Peter, John, and Paul. They wrote much of the New Testament. Peter, John, and his brother James, were the closest friends that Jesus had. Paul was the greatest missionary and teacher that the church ever had. All but John were killed for their faith. It can be hard for believers today to relate to them.

You might say that these are the stories of the supporting cast of the New Testament. The characters we discuss in this series are much easier for many believers to relate to.

Some of these people experienced great difficulties in their spiritual walks. What they all have in common is that demonstrated behaviors and character traits that any Christian today can have as well. God used them to build His church because of these characteristics. The videos in this series present the stories of people who demonstrated that they were true followers of Jesus by the way that they lived.

How Can We Learn from Them ?

For each study, we consider the following questions:

  • What do we learn about the person from Bible verses in which he (or she) is an active participant?
  • What do we know about the background of the person?
  • What do we know about the character of the person?
  • What do we know about the ministry of the person?
  • What can we learn about from the person’s story that will help us live our own lives?

Who Are They?

You can access the video presentations and study guides through these links:

Thomas From Doubt to Faith
Mark From Failure to Success
Stephen Boldly Going Where Jesus Leads
Philip Obedience School Graduate
Barnabas Mister Encouragement
Silas Faithful Friend in Hardship
Apollos Intellectual with Enthusiasm
Acquilla and Priscilla
Hospitality Isn’t Entertaining
Timothy True Son in the Faith
Luke Humility of a Bestselling Author