The Man Who Had Leprosy
A man with leprosy approached Jesus and asked to be healed. Jesus touched him and gave a command for him to be healed.
Scripture References
- Episode: Mt 8.1-4, Mk 1.40-45, Lk 5.12-16
- Leprosy laws: Lev 13, 14
- Leprosy examples: Num 12.10-15, 2 Ki 5.1-14, 2 Ki 15.1-5
- Touching and healing: Mark 1.31, 5.41, 9.27
- Touching and healing: Lk 7.14, 13.13, 18.15, 22.51
Discussion Questions
- Have you ever watched an advertisement for a medication that alleviates the symptoms of a serious skin condition? How do the emotions portrayed by the actors give you an idea of how a leper may have felt?
- Have you seen the movie Ben-Hur? How does leprosy affect the main chararacter’s family? How does the reaction to them help you to understand this passage better?
- If Jesus wanted the leper to show himself to the priests, why does he seem unhappy about the leper telling the general public about his healing?