Why Are These Ministry Encounters Important?

The basic meaning of the word SHALOM in the Hebrew Bible is “wholeness”. When we talk about the Shalom Ministry of Jesus, we mean that activity in which Jesus brought wholeness to people’s lives.

The videos in this series present the stories of people who received wholeness through the ministry of Jesus while he walked on the earth almost 2000 years ago.

Jesus wants his followers on earth today to learn to minister wholeness in the same way that He did. In the Gospel of John, chapter 14, verse 12, Jesus says “Whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.”

If you review the use of the word “works” in the Gospel of John, it is clear that when it refers to works done by Jesus, it is referring to the physical, emotional, and spiritual healing that Jesus did. These works were done to bring wholeness to afflicted people.

How Do We Learn from These Ministry Encounters?

In order to understand the passages that describe Jesus SHALOM ministry, we follow a consistent method of investigation. In each case, we look for the answers to these questions:

  • Situation
    • Where and when did this incident take place?
    • What malady was the person suffering from, and who was suffering?
    • What was it like for someone to suffer from this malady in this culture?
  • Ministry
    • Did someone exercise faith to receive the healing?
    • What method did Jesus use for healing?
    • What post-ministry instruction did Jesus give?
  • Results
    • What were the effects on the person who was suffering?
    • What was the reaction of the observers?
  • Context
    • What historical background helps us to understand the passage better?
    • Are there significant differences between the Gospel accounts, and what do we learn from these differences?
    • What Old Testament passages provide background to help us understand the passage better?
  • Lessons
    • What general principles can we observe from this account of shalom ministry?
    • How can we learn more about this episode of Shalom Ministry?

The first video in the series is foundational. It explains why we say that the Hebrew word SHALOM means “wholeness” in the Bible.

Who Are the People Who Were Made Whole?

You can access the video presentations and study guides from these links:

SHALOM Means Wholeness The Hebrew Bible
The Man Who Had Leprosy Matthew 8.1-4, Mark 1.40-45, Luke 5.12-16
The Centurion’s Servant Who Was Injured Matthew 8.5-13, Luke 7.1-10
The Men Who Were Demonized Matthew 8.28-34, Mark 5.1-20, Luke 8.26-39
The Man Who Was Paralyzed Matthew 9.1-8, Mark 2.1-12, Luke 5.18-26
The Official’s Daughter Who Was Dying Matthew 9.18-26, Mark 5.21-43, Luke 8.40-56
The Woman with a Hemorrhage Matthew 9.20-22, Mark 5.24-34, Luke 8.42-48
The Two Men Who Were Blind Matthew 9.27-34
The Man Who Was Blind and Mute Matthew 12.22-28, Luke 11.14-26
The Daughter Who Was Demonized Matthew 15.21-28, Mark 7.24-30
Bartimaeus the Blind Man Matthew 20.39-34, Mark 10.46-52, Luke 18.35-43
The Deaf Boy with Seizures Luke 9.37-42, Matthew 17.14-20, Mark 9.14-29
The Woman Who Was Crippled Luke 13.10-17
The Official’s Son Who Was Dying John 4.46-54
The Man Who Was Disabled John 5.1-15
The Man Who Was Born Blind John 9.1-12, 35-41