
A Roman centurion asked Jesus to heal his servant, who was dying in great pain. Jesus started on the way to see the servant, but the centurion said that this wasn’t necessary, since Jesus could just give a command for the servant to be healed. Jesus told the centurion that it would be done as he asked, and the servant was healed.

Scripture References

  • Episode: Mt 8.5-13, Lk 7.1-10

  • Gentiles: John 18.28, Acts 10.28-29

  • Amazement: Mt 8.27, 9.33, 15.31, 21.20, 22.22, 27.14

  • Gentiles: Mt 15.21-28

Discussion Questions

  1. What is the chain-of-command in the military? How does it help you understand this passage?

  2. What was the centurion’s view of the scope of Jesus’ authority?

  3. What is the relationship between power and authority from the perspective of the Bible? How do the statements in Luke 9.1-2, Matthew 28.18-20, and Acts 1.8 inform your answer?