
Jesus went into Gentile territory for some private time with his disciples. A Gentile woman repeatedly asked Jesus to drive a demon out of her daughter. Due to her faith and persistence, Jesus told her that her daughter was well, and she could go home.

Scripture References

  • Episode: Mt 15.21-28, chapter 7.24-30.

  • Reasons for demonization: 1 Cor 10.14-21, Acts 16.16-18, Ex 20.5

  • Son of David: Mt 1.1, 9.27, 15.22, 20.30, 21.9, 21.15, 22.42

Discussion Questions

  1. Do you think that the statement “persistence in prayer is the evidence of faith” is supported by this passage? Why?

  2. If Jesus only intended to minister to “the lost sheep of Israel,” why did he leave Jewish territory and go to the region of Tyre and Sidon?

  3. What evidence is found in this episode that Jesus was testing the woman?

  4. What other scriptures teach persistence in prayer?

  5. Is there any significance to the fact that of the three episodes of healing of specific Gentiles by Jesus, two were people asking for others, and one was incapable of asking for himself? (the daughter of the Canaanite woman, the servant of the Roman centurion, the Gadarene demoniac)