
A man brings his son to the disciples to be prayed for, while Jesus is away on the mount of Transfiguration. The son was afflicted by a demon which caused the symptoms of epilepsy. When Jesus arrives, the father brings the son to Jesus. Jesus rebuked the demon and it left the son, who was then healed of his symptoms.

Scripture References

  • Episode: Lk 9.37-42, Mt 17.14-20, Mk 9.14-27

  • Lunatic: Mt 17.15

  • Healing vs deliverance: Mt 17.16, Mk 9.18, Lk 9.40

  • Rebuking demons: Mt 17.18, Mk 9.25, Lk 9.37

  • Reciting Shema, Psalms: Dt 6.4-6, Ps 3,91, Mt 12.27

  • Resistance by demons: Mk 1.23-27, 5.1-20, 9.14-29

Background Material on Deliverance Ministry

Why did there seem to be so much demonic activity in Jesus’ time, compared to the present day?

  • Like any war, both sides send reinforcements to the most critical place of action (Eph 6.12, Rev 12.7-9,17).

  • Jesus is the Light of the World, and he exposes darkness which was previously unseen (Jn 8.12, Col 1.13, 1 Pet 2.9).

  • Many people in our society do not believe in the supernatural, and thus do not participate in overt idol worship or occult activities, which are two of the main ways that people are influenced by demons (1 Cor 10.19-21).

  • There is, however, a lot more demonic activity going on in our society than some people recognize.

God in his mercy sends those who are hurting to those of His servants who can help them. He sends people who need salvation to those who preach salvation, those who need healing to those who will pray for healing, and those who need deliverance to those who will evict demons.

Discussion Questions

  1. What were the disciples arguring about with the scribes?

  2. Why does Jesus ask “how long am I to be with you and bear with you?”

  3. Is there any limit on his statement that “all things are possible for one who believes?”

  4. In what other circumstances did Jesus structure the ministry situation to avoid a mob of onlookers? Why did he do it?

  5. If Jesus is able to drive the demon out with a command, why does he tell his disciples that “This kind cannot be driven out by anything by prayer?” Has the situation changed now that Jesus has been crucified and resurrected? Why or why not?