
Jesus encounters two demonized men across Lake Galilee. They are dangerous to themselves and others because they are controlled by a large number of demons. Jesus commands the demons to leave, and the men are restored to normal behavior.

Scripture References

  • Episode: Mt 8.28-34, Mk 5.1-20, Lk 8.26-39.

  • Most High God: Gen 14.18, Num 24.16, Isa 14.14, Dan 3.26, 4.2

  • Most High God: Lk 8.28, Ac 16.17, Heb 7.1

  • Lake of Fire: Mt 25.41

Background Material on Deliverance Ministry

Jesus said to his disciples that:

  • They had “authority (EXOUSIA) over unclean spirits” (Mk 6.7)

  • They were commanded “to expel (EKBALLO) demons” (Mt 10.8)

  • They had “authority (EXOUSIA) over all demons” (Lk 9.1)

  • “Demons / spirits submitted (HUPOTASSO) to them” (Lk 10.17-20)

  • “In my name they will expel (EKBALLO) demons” (Mk 16.17)

The best way to describe this ministry is EVICTION. In the secular world, a judge (a person with authority) deputizes a sheriff to expel a human who has no legal right to dwell in a home. In the spiritual world, Jesus (the person with all authority) deputizes a disciple to expel a spirit who has no legal right to dwell in a human

Discussion Questions

  1. What do people mean when they refer to a person as a “cutter?” How does this relate to this story?

  2. Read Luke 9.1-2, Luke 10.1,17-20, and Mark 16.17,20. What do these passages tell you about the authority of believers to perform this kind of ministry?

  3. Historians tell us that one of the things that about the early Christians that impressed Roman and Greek pagans was their ability to drive out demons. How does this inform your understanding of this story?

  4. There have been multiple articles in the secular press in late 2017 and early 2018 about how the Roman Catholic church is drastically increasing training for exorcists due to demand. What does this tell you about the relevance on this story? What is the difference between Biblical deliverance ministry and exorcism rituals?