
Jesus observed a man who had been lame for 38 years. After inquiring about his situation, Jesus told the man to get up, take his mat, and walk. He did so, and was accosted by the religious authorities for breaking their Sabbath rules. Later, Jesus found him and told him to stop sinning, so that something worse wouldn’t happen to him.

Scripture References

  • Episode: Jn 5.1-15

  • Pick up your mat: Mk 2.11

  • Stop sinning: Jn 9.3, Lk 13.1-5

Discussion Questions

  1. How is the fact that Jesus sought out the man related to the unusual question Jesus asks of him?

  2. What reasons might the lame man have had for not directly answering Jesus’ question?

  3. Since most people could only come to the synagogue or temple on the Sabbath, what would be the practical effect of following the Pharisees’ rules?

  4. Have you seen situation in which church rules, traditions, or practices effectively prevented needy people from receiving ministry? Does it make any difference if the rule, tradition, or practice was well-intentioned?