
A royal official comes to Jesus to ask Him to heal the official’s son. Jesus tests his faith and declares that the man can go home, because his son will recover. When the official travels home, he meets messengers who tell him the boy recovered at the same time he was talking with Jesus.

Scripture References

  • Episode: Jn 4.46-54

  • Recover/Live: 2 Ki 8.9, 1 Ki 17.23

  • Signs and wonders: Ex 7.3-4

  • Household conversions: Acts 10.2, 11.14, 16.15, 16.31-31, 18.8

Discussion Questions

  • What was the basis of the initial faith of the official?

  • Why did Jesus make the statement about signs and wonders?

  • What did the official assume about Jesus and his healing ministry?

  • What does Jesus demonstrate about his power by his command?

  • What was the difference between this and other situations in which rebuffs a request for a sign?