
A man with leprosy approached Jesus and asked to be healed. Jesus touched him and gave a command for him to be healed.

Scripture References

  • Episode: Mt 8.1-4, Mk 1.40-45, Lk 5.12-16

  • Leprosy laws: Lev 13, 14

  • Leprosy examples: Num 12.10-15, 2 Ki 5.1-14, 2 Ki 15.1-5

  • Touching and healing: Mark 1.31, 5.41, 9.27

  • Touching and healing: Lk 7.14, 13.13, 18.15, 22.51

Discussion Questions

  1. Have you ever watched an advertisement for a medication that alleviates the symptoms of a serious skin condition? How do the emotions portrayed by the actors give you an idea of how a leper may have felt?

  2. Have you seen the movie Ben-Hur? How does leprosy affect the main chararacter’s family? How does the reaction to them help you to understand this passage better?

  3. If Jesus wanted the leper to show himself to the priests, why does he seem unhappy about the leper telling the general public about his healing?