
Two blind men follow Jesus and ask Him to give them sight. Jesus says it will be done as they believe it will be, and their sight is restored.

Scripture References

  • Episode: Mt 9.27-33

  • Son of David and healing: Mt 21.1-17, 22.41-46

Discussion Questions

  1. Were the instructions Jesus gave to the blind men pointless? Wouldn’t everyone who knew them notice the change?

  2. Were all people who were healed by Jesus of the inability to speak afflicted by a demon? Can the cause of a disease sometimes be natural and sometimes be demonic? What does this tell you about how to approach healing ministry?

  3. Is it always necessary for a person who wants healing to exercise faith? What does this tell us about people we pray for who are not healed?

  4. What does the reaction of the Pharisees tell us about whom we should allow to observe when we evict demons?