
When Jesus was teaching in a synagogue, he called forward a woman who was bent over and crippled. He declared that she was set free from her infirmity, and laid hands on her. She was healed and straightened up.

Scripture References

  • Episode: Lk 13.10-17

  • Laying hands on groups of people – Lk 4.40, Mk 6.5

  • Laying hands on Jairus’ daughter – Lk 8.54, Mt 9.25, Mk 5.4

  • Laying hands on the blind man – Mk 8.23, 25

  • Doing good: Acts 10.38

  • Immediate healings: Lk 1.64, 4.39, 5.25, 8.44, 47, 55, 18.43

  • Straighten again: Ac 15.16, Heb 12.12

  • Healing the sick: Luke 4.40, 5.15, 9.2, 10.9, Acts 4.9, 5.15,16, 9.37, 19.12, 28.9

    Discussion Questions

    1. Have you ever missed out on an opportunity to see God work because you were busy or in a hurry?

    2. Could some churches miss out on the miraculous works of God because there is no time in their order of worship for God to interrupt?

    3. Americans tend to look down on cultures which do not have a strict view of punctuality. Could this be a reason why some churches in those cultures see more miracles than we do in the U.S.?

    4. What other sorts of church practices and traditions prevent God from doing things his way? Are there any in your church or denomination?

    5. Is the synagogue ruler correct to say that healing ministry is work?