
Stephen was full of the Holy Spirit. Stephen was humble. Stephen was an effective communicator, and was willing to confront people when the Holy Spirit so directed. Stephen told people the truth they needed to believe. Stephen was specially visited by God, and he was forgiving.

Scripture References

  • Stephen: Acts 6.5-6, Act 6.8-15, Acts 7.51-60

  • Full of the Holy Spirit: Acts 11.24, Acts 4.8, Acts 13.9

  • Jewish authorities crucified Jesus: Acts 4.10, 5.30-31

  • Jesus will destroy temple: Jn 2.19-22, Mt 26.61, 27.40, Mk 14.58, 15.29

  • God gives words to speak: Lk 21.15

  • The Son of Man at the right hand: Mk 14.62, Dan 7.13, Mt 26.64, Lk 22.69

  • Jesus appearing in glory: Exo 34.29-35, Lk 9.29, Mt 17.2

Discussion Questions

  1. What was Stephen’s role in the church? What ministry did he have?

  2. How do we get boldness?

  3. What accompanies boldness (Acts 4.23-31)?

  4. What is the significance of the vision Stephen saw?

  5. What effects did Stephen’s forgiveness have?